Renovation garden centre Dvorak

Roof renovation

At the moment, we are in the middle of the renovation of the Dvorak garden centre in the Czechia. Although the 1,400 m2 wide span structure was built by us 15 years ago, the existing construction is still in excellent condition, so it will be fitted with 50 mm polycarbonate. The ventilation windows will also be refurbished and the internal screens replaced. All this is done in a few weeks without closing the garden centre to their customers. 

The renovation will allow better monitoring and control of the indoor climate in the garden centre. This will lead to further energy savings.

Renovating your building has many advantages

Renovating your building has many advantages; more comfort for your customers and employees, cheaper than relocating and more energy efficient through the use of better insulating materials. Nowadays the payback period is much shorter.

A recent example of a renovation is that of garden centre Hageland Tronsholen and DIY chain Praxis. We have created their metamorphosis without closing their doors.