Going through the building process together with the customer with a beautiful glasshouse as the end result!

Design & Advice


Our mission: beautiful, custom-made glasshouses

The special design and consultancy division of EdenParks, part of Smiemans, will provide you with a first mass study of concept sketch. Without any obligation! This way you will see the possibilities at a glance. Our down-to-earth and pragmatic approach is fully aimed at finding the solutions that will exceed the expectations of our clients.

“We oversee the bigger picture and offer quality advise. The knowledge and experience is in house.”


Garden Centre 06
Orangerie Victorian roof

Optimally functioning glasshouses

For half a decade, we have been showing how you can develop future-proof garden centres. 

There’s more to developing a glasshouse than merely designing and constructing. We understand what is important to you as our client. We translate your wishes into innovative designs. 

The output and performance requirements of glasshouses differ per project. Together with our clients we strive for the best end result: beautiful, custom-made glasshouses.

Everything to ensure that your greenhouse functions optimally and that you can receive your visitors in a - literally and figuratively - balanced atmosphere.

Our possibilities:

Free advice about:

  • Building process
  • Costs - budgeting
  • Regulatory and licensing
  • Plan of action
  • Use of materials
  • Routing
  • Device
  • Installations (climate, lighting, water etc.)

Other possibilities

  • Concept sketch (standard advice)
  • Preliminary and final design
  • Drawings

Distinctive reception building WUR (NL)

Design: Agrotopia - Rooftop glasshouse (BE)

Garden centre Groenrijk (NL)

Care institution Zuidwester (NL)

What does your ideal glasshouse look like?

Are you looking for the most efficient, decorative or functional design for your glass construction?

Call in our specialists for smart advice and innovative solutions, we are happy to inform you.


Ask us about all the options: